Frequently Asked Questions
We have made a collection of the most frequently asked questions to help you find the information you need with the least amount of effort. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to call us at the clinic on 5449 7088.
Yes there is limited parking available behind the clinic, and also street parking available on Mary St.
Yes, absolutely. Appointments can be booked online HERE.
Payment is required at the time of the consultation in the form of cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card. If you need to cancel your appointment, please provide a minimum of 24 hours notice. Cancellation fees may be applicable if cancelling within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment.
Yes, we facilitate a range of functional medical tests and at home test kits. Upon consultation, our Naturopaths can determine any necessary medical tests you may need and discuss your options. We can also analyse your past medical tests and recommend follow-up testing if required.
Yes, you can purchase practitioner prescribed herbs and supplements from Noosa Holistic Health if you are under current care of one of our practitioners or if you have a current and valid script from another practitioner.
Noosa Holistic Health offers one of the largest Western and Chinese Herb Dispensaries on the Sunshine Coast along with a large range of practitioner prescribed supplements.
Yes, our Naturopaths offer consultations via phone or skype. Simply call the clinic or Skype the practitioner at your appointment time (Skype names will be provided once you make an initial appointment). Payment for Skype and phone consultations can be made by credit card over the phone.
Noosa Holistic Health can also package and express post any herbal medicine and/or supplements prescribed by your practitioner.
Yes, if you have ‘extras’ cover through a private health fund you may be eligible to claim part of your treatment fee. Individual health fund benefits can vary so you are best to check the details of your policy directly with your insurer.
Most health funds are online with HICAPS, enabling us to process your health fund rebate, leaving only the gap for you to pay following your consultation. Please ensure you bring your health fund card to your appointment.
No, you do not need a referral from a GP to make an appointment with any of the practitioners at Noosa Holistic Health. Simply call us on 07 5449 7088 or BOOK ONLINE
A Medical Referral is only necessary for patients with an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) or Mental Health Care Plan. Noosa Holistic Health will require a copy of the plan from your GP in order to process your claim from Medicare.