Tui Na

Tui Na

Tui Na An Mo is the more manual branch of TCM. Literally translated as Push, Grasp, Press and Rub it
combines different hand and stretching/mobilisation techniques to remedy Traditional Chinese Disease
states. It aims to regulate Qi and Blood bringing about Homeostasis to the body and tranquillity to the

The main mantra applied is, “where there is pain there is no free flow, where there is free flow there is no

So by freeing tight muscles, deactivating trigger points and stretching/mobilisation of joints we aim
to allow the Qi of the body to flow in the correct rhythmic cycles, thus, creating self correcting movement
patterns and bodily functions.

A session will usually involve various muscular and joint tests along with a Chinese Medicinal Diagnosis
to determine what disease state the tissues are in. From there various manual techniques will be employed
along with acupuncture point combinations, abdominal massage, cupping and moxa to bring the body
back into a harmonious state of alignment. Once these proper patterns of motion and Qi circulation have
been cemented, they lead to a more pain free state of being for longer.

Our Tui Na practitioner:

Byron Hillier

Tui Na
tui na

“where there is pain there is no free flow, where there is free flow there is no pain”


Make An Appointment

To make an appointment with Joshua, call 5449 7088 or book online.