Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) harnesses the inherent power within our physiology to facilitate a fuller expression of health. As opposed to biomechanical models of craniosacral therapy, which introduce some form of outside force to make adjustments, the biodynamic model uses no force at all.
Craniosacral therapy is based on important discoveries made by osteopaths during the early 1900’s regarding the subtle physiology and motion of the human body, particularly regarding the bones of the cranium (Cranio), the spine, the sacrum (Sacral) and the cerebrospinal fluid (fluid containing the spinal cord and brain).
Central to BCST is the concept that Health is always present in the human system. Health is expressed as a rhythmic motion in the fluids of the body known as ‘primary respiration’.
Primary respiration operates in our bodies similarly to the tides of the ocean. Tides move water, conducting and circulating nourishment around the planet. Primary respiration moves the fluids of our bodies, conducting and circulating nourishment around our body.
This fluid motion is what the practitioner ‘listens’ to, to detect where in the body obstruction or compression has occurred.
Combining these ‘listening’ skills with perceptual awareness, verbal guidance and a sound knowledge of the body’s anatomy, the CST practitioner facilitates body tissue and energy release. This restores a healthier flow of nourishing fluids and well-being.
The emphasis is on harnessing the formative forces that organise our human form and all life processes. This biodynamic force is evident from the original shaping of the embryo/baby through to the incredible orchestration of healing processes occurring throughout our lives.
Craniosacral practitioners recognise these self-healing processes and aim to support your body to re-connect and re-orient to these primary forces.