Finding the Missing Pieces of your Health

By |2019-08-06T13:22:22+10:00July 11th, 2019|Healthy Living, Naturopathy, News, Newsletter, Nutrition, What's On, Workshops|

Often important areas are missed upon diagnosis and ongoing health concerns remain untreated such as ’feeling not quite right’ and or fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, weight gain, gut bloating, random aches and more. It’s crucial to take charge of your own health choices these days. Routine tests offered are not always comprehensive and often

Introduction to Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

By |2019-09-19T10:28:52+10:00June 25th, 2019|Articles, Healthy Living, Mental Health, Naturopathy, News, Newsletter, What's On, Workshops|

Introduction to Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is an Experiential Seminar where Peter Rule (Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Hypnotherapist & Wellness Coach) will give a brief description of this type of hypnosis which was developed by regression hypnosis pioneer Dolores Cannon USA. Introduction to Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique -  Experiential and Fun Seminar  with Peter Rule

Reinvent Yourself!

By |2019-06-20T11:25:24+10:00June 20th, 2019|Articles, Healthy Living, Mental Health, Naturopathy, News, Newsletter|

Naturopath Amina Eastham-Hillier shows you how to take a step back, look at all aspects of your life, and achieve change for the better. Reinventing yourself may relate to your career, the people you interact with, your passions, and/or your mission in life. The latter can take many forms - caring for people, animals,

Managing Anxiety in a Changing World

By |2019-06-06T15:48:51+10:00June 4th, 2019|Healthy Living, News, Newsletter, What's On, Workshops|

Navigating life with increasing levels of anxiety and stress is for many, part of our modern life. But does it have to be? At our next Wednesday Wellness Workshop, Byron Hillier, Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbalist will present strategies to help us understand the effects and difference between anxiety and stress. Anxiety is the most

My Favourite Tips for Newbie Runners

By |2018-02-08T11:02:00+10:00February 8th, 2018|Articles, Back Health, Chiropractic, Healthy Living, News, Newsletter|

Research has been showing that running may not be as hard on the joints as previously thought. Yes, when we run, we will have 2.5 times our body weight going through our lower limbs each time our foot strikes the ground, however our body has the amazing ability to adapt to the demands that

Chicken or the Egg?

By |2018-02-08T20:05:53+10:00February 5th, 2018|Articles, Healthy Living, Mental Health, News, Newsletter|

Is it your mind that creates the stress and dis-ease in your body and life or is it the “issues” with your body creating the stress in your head? Or does it seem like the 'Dynamic Duo' to you? If you had one tool that created peace and calm for you – would you

Parabens as a Cosmetic Preservative

By |2017-12-07T09:35:07+10:00December 5th, 2017|Articles, Healthy Living, News, Newsletter|

Parabens are one of the most widely used antimicrobial preservatives in cosmetics and toiletries. There are many parabens.. benzyl, butyl, ethyl, methyl, and polyparaben being the most common. They are used in moisturisers, lipsticks, eye shadow, body sprays, deodorants, body lotions, face creams, sunscreens, toothpastes, cleansers and shampoos, so they can be

Emotional Intelligence

By |2017-10-16T18:07:08+10:00October 5th, 2017|Articles, Healthy Living, Mental Health, News, Newsletter, Parenting|

Have you ever reacted to a family member or child and then said to yourself, ”Oh boy I’m sounding just like my Mum/Dad or I’m parenting like I was parented and I don’t want to be like this?”It has been said that the first 7 years of our life are the most impressionable- we

Pregnancy massage & your journey to motherhood

By |2017-09-28T13:00:34+10:00September 28th, 2017|Back Health, Healthy Living, Newsletter, Parenting, Pregnancy|

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! Whether you're jumping for joy; in a state of shock; or feeling a mixture of both – we are here to support you! Pregnancy lasts approximately 10 lunar months, 9 calendar months, 40 weeks or 280 days and since a positive test result, not a day will pass where you don’t

Remedial Massage – The Benefits

By |2017-06-08T12:40:58+10:00June 8th, 2017|News, Newsletter|

The main reason most clients first book a remedial massage appointment is because of an ache or pain be it acute or chronic. For example a stiff upper back and neck from sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time, an old injury that has flared up or sleep deprived parents with

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