
Article by Karen McElroy, Naturopath

Choosing the RIGHT probiotics…

Many people in the community are now quite aware of the benefit of probiotics for gut
health, and often know to supplement after a course of antibiotics. But just taking any old
probiotic is not always going to give the results you might be seeking.

Gut health and the microbiome has long been an area of clinical interest for me and I have
seen massive changes in understanding of the role of beneficial bacteria over the past 25
years I have been a naturopath. Working out of a holistic framework means we always need
to pay attention to the digestive system and having good gut health is an important
foundation stone in optimising all aspects of health.

Understanding the human microbiome

The human microbiome is comprised of a vast network of beneficial bacteria that are found
to inhabit most regions of the human body and not just the gut. We have distinct and highly
diverse groups of bacterial families inhabiting many regions including the skin, the
genitourinary tract and the respiratory system. Moreover, bacteria in the gut can influence
the health of tissues right throughout the body including the brain, heart and vascular
system. While we have our innate flora that we carry with us from birth, many bacterial
species will increase or decrease depending on environmental conditions while others just
pass through, but are able to have a major influence the state of the body as they do.

The role of probiotics

Probiotic supplements are in this category. Contrary to what many people
believe, probiotics are not meant to colonise the body of the host (us). Instead, probiotics are
found to elicit important and beneficial effects on the body while we take them. Extensive
research into individual strains of bacterial families has been conducted to date, and this
exciting area of research continues to grow with new discoveries paving the way for novel
uses of strain-specific probiotics in treating clinical conditions.

After attending a seminar this week, I was fascinated to learn about the benefits of very
specific strains of probiotic bacteria on everything from iron absorption and fertility to
osteoporosis, eczema, acne and gum health. It seems that before long we will have a
probiotic for most disorders! Much of the way that probiotics work is to regulate cell
functioning, create epigenetic changes and reduce inflammation.

Choosing the right probiotics to maximise your individual state of health

While eating probiotic foods is a great foundation for gut health, you may achieve more
specific benefits on your health issues by using a specific probiotic. Luckily the massive
amount of research into probiotics is increasingly getting translated into highly effective
products that we can now access. So if you would like to learn more about probiotics for
your clinical condition or you want to just use them as a preventative tool, please get in
touch for a consultation. A holistic treatment plan always aims to get to the root cause of a
condition to allow the body to heal naturally and will create lasting effects.

Article by Naturopath Karen McElroy.