Pregnancy is such a wonderful time to embrace and enjoy and just as every body is different, every woman experiences pregnancy differently. There is much we can do to ensure a happy and healthy pregnancy.

happy healthy pregnancy

Optimising your nutrition is a great foundation for growing a healthy baby as well as making sure you are feeling wonderful. Baby will usually take the nutrients he or she needs as a priority which means sometimes you are missing out on essential nutrients you need to keep functioning at your best. Eating a varied diet, high in fresh, whole foods will make sure you are getting a range of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Ensure you are getting enough protein as this provides amino acids which are essentially the building blocks for your little one to grow from. Lots of vegetables, some fruit, nuts and seeds and whole grains will provide energy, fibre and nutrients for both of you.
Due to certain mineral deficiencies in our soils, lifestyle stress, effects of medications and other factors impacting on our nutrient levels, I also recommend supplementing with a high quality specific pregnancy multivitamin and mineral at this time to meet these extra demands on nutrient levels. Some women also have a higher need for other nutrients in pregnancy, like iron and may benefit from gentle non-constipating forms of iron supplementation alongside a good multi.
Essential fatty acids are important too, for baby’s brain development, as well as helping the well known “baby brain” most mum’s experience as baby draws on our stores. Clinical studies have shown science validates the feelings of forgetfulness and vagueness many women experience in pregnancy. Women’s brains actually slightly shrink in pregnancy so supplementing with a reputable and specific omega 3 supplement high in DHA will improve cognitive function and help you remember where you left your car keys.

happy healthy pregnancy

Making time for relaxation is really important in pregnancy. We are so used to achieving so much in our day to day life and are often stretching ourselves to meet various commitments for work and socially too. However, we need to be mindful that our bodies may need more rest during pregnancy. Even if it is just lying down with your feet up for 15 minutes in the afternoon or taking a quiet walk around the garden or relaxing with a cup of herbal tea. Sit and watch your breath for 5 minutes or listen to a guided meditation. If you don’t already take a yoga class, consider joining a prenatal class to help you relax, build body and breath awareness and get your body feeling strong and flexible and ready for childbirth.

Most women will experience some sleep disturbance as their bodies grow and change but helping women to resolve symptoms like restless legs, heartburn and lower back pain can minimise this discomfort and improve sleep quality and quantity. Symptomatic support can also be given for things like morning sickness and constipation.

Naturopaths work as much as we can from a viewpoint of prevention, so supporting women in pregnancy often means investing time in looking at an individual’s case history to see where we can be of most help. For some women it may mean looking at protocols to help prevent or minimise postnatal depression, or for others gestational diabetes. Some women may like advice on how to prevent stretch marks or how to ensure a healthy breast milk supply once baby is born.
In most cases, the use of specialised probiotics are wonderful for women to take during pregnancy to improve health and to reduce the risk of allergy in their children. There is mounting evidence in this rapidly emerging field that probiotics help us not only to digest and eliminate effectively, but to help control our moods, our weight, our immunity and our inflammation levels in the body. Many clinical trials now link certain probiotics taken in pregnancy, with reduced incidence of allergy reactions, like eczema and food intolerance in children.
It is important to have the right guidance in this most special time. There are many herbs, essential oils and products which may be contra-indicated in pregnancy (and sometimes in lactation) so it is advisable to make sure you are looked after properly with the experience and expertise of a professional. Personalised advice makes all the difference to a safe and effective support regime and allows you to really feel your best and make the most of this incredible experience.
It is such a privilege to share this journey with women and their partners and families too! I look forward to helping you (or someone you know) to have the most beautiful, happy and
healthy pregnancy.
Yours in health,

© Luisa Harvey ND