Ahhh- March! Are you still playing catch up with your finances after the Festive season? Paying off credit cards, paying utility bills and all the other financial demands?
If you are looking for a way to increase your cash flow- this might be an article you may want to read to the end.
Do you have a scarcity or a prosperity mindset?
Ask yourself:
1) Do you hear yourself saying “I cant afford it or I don’t have the money or I don’t have enough?”
2)Is money is the number 1 cause of your stress?
3) Do you spend your days doing work you don’t really want to do- because of money?
4) Does money cause fights,struggle,hostility resentment or un-happiness in your life?
5) Do you worry about money?
If you answered yes to any of these- you are stuck in a scarcity and lack paradigm.
The lack of prosperity in peoples lives is due to the way they view money and resources. Their viewpoints can impose major limitations and perpetuate patterns with lack,debt and on-going stress.
It can change – and through an avenue you may not be aware of. AND you don’t have to work harder or more hours, or get a second job.
Are you aware that you attract money, wealth, people, possibilities and circumstances into your life, not by what you do or have but by who you be.
Did you know that your consciousness determines whether you will struggle in frustration or live an extraordinary life of abundance and wealth?
Cultivating a prosperity consciousness is available to anyone who chooses to claim own and acknowledge it is possible to change.
The choice to change this is the first step and this can look like “I’m over this struggle and juggling ! How do I create more money with more ease?”
Ease and money are not two words that typically go together. Reaching the breaking point and acknowledging you desire and demand that this changes is the first step. Being willing to do some weeding and re-sowing and have a few simple tools up your sleeve to change the stories and ruts we have been stuck in can create instant change.
My number 1 Tool I play with daily:
Money comes into your life by being a magnet – and instead of un-consciously repelling it – you consciously attract and pull it to you.
Money comes by you requesting it to show up AND being willing to take action (so you have to do something!)
Ask and you shall receive.
Say 10 times out loud Money come! Money Come! Money Come! Money Come etc, have a smile on your face and have fun with this – it ramps up your magnet. If you do it from need or desperation- you will push it away.
Whats the best that can happen?
Have fun pulling money into your world.
Read more about Viv Adcock and Access Consciousness.
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