I have a question for you…

Do you want to relish that sense of ticking the boxes on your wish list and get ahead in 2018?

As 2018 approaches- what if you invested in what you would like to create/have/be in the year ahead?

  • Personally?
  • Financially?
  • With your health and fitness?

As each year comes to a close I reflect over the targets I set at the beginning of the year and acknowledge what I have been able to accomplish.

We often dream of what we would like to change, do, be and and achieve but have no real action plan to assist this coming to fruition.

The New Years “goals” often fall by the wayside as we un-knowingly bump up against our own self talk and un-conscious obstacles.

I use the word target (not goal) as a target is something we aim for- sometimes we hit the target sooner and sometimes the target moves to allow for growth and expansion of greater possibilities.

Conversing with people about their lives and direction- it has become clear to me that a lot of people don’t have clarity on what they would like to have or get side-tracked or they give up if they assume it isn’t turning up exactly as how (and in the time frame) they had decided it should.  Being able to know and commit to your plan, be flexible and navigate the obstacles is essential to success.

Our personal, financial and health targets get ambushed over the Festive season .We get swept up in the feel good factor and cut off our awareness of what our choices are creating (our bodies and bank statements are often testimony this!)

If stress and pressure are the main reason you are compelled to act in that moment (buy something, have another drink and eat the food) – a different choice is available- find a way to de stress. be more present with your choices and DO NOT beat yourself up!  Has judging you for your choice EVER made you change or feel better? NO!!!!

You can have the choice to enjoy the Festive season with more awareness and then get set for the New Year and beyond- utilising the space between now and then to play with what you would like to aim for in 2018.

Without a map you don’t really know where you are heading and you can have daily maps as well as monthly and yearly maps.

If you would like to de-stress your mind and de-fuse your reactions and regain calm and clarity again-  Viv is available for  Bars sessions ( literally a de-cluttering /massage for your mind) in the clinic.

In the New Year and throughout 2018 Viv will also be offering a wide variety of information nights and introductory classes at the clinic that are designed specifically to help you achieve your targets- be they financial, relationship, body and health, academic and life dreams.

What else is possible for you and your life?

Happy Festivities!
