Clinical Hypnotherapy – an incredible healing tool

By |2017-05-11T12:15:05+10:00May 11th, 2017|Articles, Healthy Living, Mental Health|

“Hypnosis started when the first mother kissed it and made it better.” Bauman Occasionally I suggest clinical hypnotherapy as a treatment option to a client and find they look at me as though I’ve suggested I’ll wave a magic wand around to make them feel better. Which is ridiculous. It’s closer to the Force than

Are aches and pains a part of ageing?

By |2017-03-16T12:45:26+10:00March 16th, 2017|Articles, Back Health, Healthy Living, News|

"Aches and pains, I guess it’s just part of getting old………" This would be the one line I cringe at regularly from clients. I’m just not willing to accept that living with pain as we age is the norm. Yes, we all have aches and pains from time to time, but I’m talking about that

Eczema – how to ditch the itch

By |2017-02-23T20:44:48+10:00February 23rd, 2017|Articles, Healthy Living, Naturopathy|

Naturopath and nutritionist Amina Eastham-Hillier offers expert advice on how to ease eczema. Western medicine typically treats eczema with topical corticosteroid creams to reduce inflammation. However, this is only a short-term measure as long-term use can thin the skin and suppress the immune system. Once the person stops using the cream, the eczema can reappear

Jenni’s Protein Balls!

By |2017-01-09T13:14:23+10:00April 23rd, 2015|Healthy Living|

2tbs pepitas 2tbs sunflower seeds 2 tbls shredded coconut Handful raw almonds 2tbls raw Cacao powder 3 tbls Grass Fed Whey Protien Powder I cup pitted dates Coconut oil Water Blend dates in food processor Add all other dry ingredients and process Add coconut oil until mixture comes together. Can also add a little water

Functional Testing… How it can help YOU!

By |2017-01-16T12:57:54+10:00April 23rd, 2015|Articles, Healthy Living|

Functional Testing...! How it can help YOU!! By Luisa Harvey ND! “Food based reactions are recognised as a common and growing worldwide health problem that can be linked as a key driving mechanism behind many chronic health conditions, with effects that are often as varied and numerous as they are far-reaching to the body.” -

Prevention is the best medicine!

By |2017-01-16T13:01:14+10:00August 27th, 2014|Articles, Healthy Living|

By Karen McElroy Naturopath & Medical Herbalist The traditional medical establishment often defines health as simply the absence of disease. However there are so many layers to wellness and health. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946, stating that health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social

Herbal Medicine to Support Successful Breastfeeding

By |2017-01-16T13:04:29+10:00August 27th, 2014|Articles, Healthy Living, Pregnancy|

By Heidi Merika BHSc.Nat Breastfeeding can be a beautiful time of connection between mother and child. It is now well recognized that breastfeeding provides optimal nutrition for infants that not only nourishes them in infancy but establishes healthy nutritional foundations that will serve them for the rest of their lives. Even though the benefits of

Super Bugs…The Good News!

By |2017-01-16T16:47:14+10:00August 27th, 2014|Articles, Gut Health, Healthy Living|

By Luisa Harvey ND Good health starts in the gut! It is one of the fundamental Naturopathic principles that  really stood the test of time. Long before we had the technology to see, let alone identify specific strains of probiotics, ancient civilisations have known the benefits of fermented foods. Longevity and good health are common

Nutrition for Stress – Nourish yourself for a Calmer Life

By |2017-01-16T16:52:22+10:00July 29th, 2014|Articles, Healthy Living, Nutrition|

by Amina Eastham-Hillier B HSc.Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Diet & Nutrition, Flower Essences, & Iridology It appears that the majority of us are coping (and sometimes not really coping) with a particularly heavy bundle of stress. As a working mother of two children, I can certainly relate to this and besides work itself, parenting alone (as

Vitamin D – A different sun smart message!

By |2017-01-16T16:59:12+10:00July 25th, 2014|Articles, Healthy Living|

By Karen McElroy BA, BHSci (Nat), MNHAA Naturopath, Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist There has been lots of attention given to vitamin D lately – with major research pointing to vitamin D deficiency and its role in a host of disorders including cancer, infertility, MS and even obesity. For many years we have been aware of

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